Male Reproductive System

Concept Explanation

Male Reproductive System

Male reproductive organs:  The male reproductive system  consists of a number of sex organs that form a part of the Human reproductive process. The male reproductive organs are  : 

Testis: (plural testes)  it is an endocrine gland. There are two testis in a male body. These are located outside the abdominal cavity with in a sac called scrotal sac or scrotum. Scrotum has a protective function and act as a climate control system of testis. The lower temperature is required for the growth of sperm.

Vas deferens  : It is in a narrow tube that helps to transport sperms produced in the testes. It is connected to the epididymis at the tail end.

Penis: Penis is a cylindrical, highly vascularized erectile organ. Its function is to transfer into vagina of female reproductive system. The tip of the penis is called glans penis. It helps to transfer semen and sperm to the female body.

Urethra: It extends from penis to external opening. It is a tube inside the penis through which semen and urine pass out of the body. 


Sample Questions
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Question : 1

A sperm is a ___________________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

In humans mature sparms are stored in the ___________________

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Duct in males for passing both urine and semen is called _________________

Right Option : B
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